This course has been developed as a result of a project «Steps to Eco-support». The aim of the project was to improve environmental awareness and raising environmental responsibility of employees of various organizations in St.Petersburg city. The main result of such a work is lowering the impact on the environment and improving its condition. The experience of hundreds of organizations shows that it is not only the environment that benefits from companies going green. Office and other expenses lower, the indoor environment becomes healthier, and the image of a company improves. Organizations that participate in the project nominate employees who will be responsible for dissemination of green ideas - Eco-supporters. They receive an opportunity to take a learning course that will help them work more effectively and competently.
How can this course help you?
You will benefit from the course in many ways:
- You will gain the knowledge and skills that will help you lower your company’s environmental impact.
- A lot of what you will learn applies not only to companies but homes, as well - taking the course will help you make your house more environmentally friendly and save money.
- Better knowledge and experience gained during the course will give you additional confidence in yourself and your actions.
- The course will help you better understand why people act the way they do.
What is the structure of the course and how to take it?
The course consists of three units:
- Introduction to the work of Eco-advisers.
The lessons of this unit will introduce you to the main aspects of the work of Eco-Advisers, and will help find effective ways to communicate green ideas to your colleagues. Communication is the main part of Eco-adviser’s activities, therefore the lessons of this unit should be taken in the sequence provided. - Lowering environmental impact.
This are the lessons that will provide you with specific information about and advices on how to lower various aspects of your organization’s environmental impact. Such information is most helpful when immediately applied to practice. Therefore the lessons in this unit can be taken in any convenient order. All practical recommendations are supplemented with relative scales - «Environmental impact», «Economic effect», and «Difficulty of implementation». This scales will help you prioritize your actions. - Final unit.
The two lessons of this unit will show you further potential directions for actions of Eco-advisers. You will be also asked to evaluate your achievements in the course.
What do the course’s lessons look like?
There are 11 lessons in this course. Each lesson offers some new information as well as an activity to do - share your opinion, consider an example, answer a question. Some lessons are split into two parts with a homework to be done at the working place in between.