Steps to Eco-Support in St.Petersburg
About the project
Ecosupport is an initiative aimed at promoting sustainable behavior of every person in his/her working place as well as in daily life. The project started in Helsinki in 2006. In St.Petersburg it has been initiated as “Steps to Eco-support” project in 2013 in frames of the “South-East Finland – Russia ENPI CBC 2007-2103”.
The aim of the project
Reduction of negative impact on the environment through awareness raising of all spheres of society with an emphasis on employees, local authorities, and school students.
Environmental awareness is raised through training courses, publications, consultations and use of communication technologies.
To raise its environmental responsibility each participating company appoints and trains an employee who will assume a function of an Eco-supporter. They provide consultation for their colleagues and support their pro-environmental actions.
You can learn more about the job of Eco-supporters and how to become one from our online course.
The Eco-support project draws from experience from many countries:
- Cooperation between the Baltic countries, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Russia;
- Development and dissemination of new strategies of Eco-support;
- Networking between project participants;
- Development of indicators and assessment methods of environmental and financial aspects of Eco-supporters’ actions.
More information about the ecosupport action in English and Finnish: