Permits for the discharge of pollutants into the water bodies

The enterprises of economic or other activity that have sewage discharge into surface waters must develop a project for permissible norms of discharge (NPD) and get a permit and norms for discharge of pollutants.

The project is agreed upon with different sanitary and federal environmental bodies: Northwest Territorial Administration of Federal Agency for Fishing, State agency "St. Petersburg Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of regional functions" (SA "St. Petersburg CHEM-R").

Department of the Federal Body for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor) in the Northwest Federal District issues the Letter on agreement of the project for permissible norms of discharge (NPD) of pollutants and microorganisms into water bodies.

Neva-Ladoga Basin Water Office issues the permissible norms of discharge (NPD) of pollutants and microorganisms into water bodies and Letter on agreement of the Program of regular monitoring of the water body and water protection zone.

There is the following information in this section: schemes of getting and approval NPD, discharge permit; information about the State Control and Supervisory Authorities that issue and approve documentation.

Department of the Federal Body for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor) in the Northwest Federal District issues the permit of the discharge of pollutants into the water bodies.

More detailed information on this subject is presented in Russian