Use and protection of water objects (in Russia)

Protection of water resources is regulated by the Water Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Water objects are used on the basis of the agreement for the use of the water object;
  • Impact on water resources is taken into account during development, construction, reconstruction and operation of enterprises as well as implementation of new technologies;
  • People and organizations must take measures to prevent pollution, contamination and exhaustion of water objects;
  • Sources of pollution ashore must not cause pollution and contamination of the water objects above the established normatives;
  • Discharge of sewage waters contaminated by toxic substances is allowed only after their treatment.

Restrictions for Water Use

It is prohibited to:

  • discharge sewage waters which were not treated and neutralized;
  • effect excessive withdrawal of water from water bodies which may affect their condition (result in shoaling, destruction etc.);
  • discharge sewage waters containing substances for which maximum permissible concentration was not calculated or infected waters;
  • discharge garbage.

Sewage waters cannot be discharged if:

  • they can be recycled;
  • they contain valuable substances which can be extracted;

NPD project and discharge permits

When sewage is discharged into surface waters enterprises must develop a project for permissible norms of discharge and get a permit for discharge of polluting substances.

The project is agreed upon with territorial bodies of Rosgidromet, Rospotrebnadzor, Rosribolovstvo.

The project is adopted by a territorial body of Rosvodoresyrsi.

A permit is issued by a territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor.

A resolution by which a water object is placed at the disposal of the enterprise is issued by the territorial body of Rosvodoresyrsi (legislative body of the Russian Federation, local administration).

The agreement for water use is concluded with the territorial body of Rosvodoresyrsi (legislative body of the Russian Federation, local administration).

More detailed information on this subject is presented in Russian