Waste (in Russia)

Requirements of Russian legislation

Norms of waste generation and limits for their disposal are developed to ensure protection of environment, people’s health and reduction in amount of wastes generated by the activities of entrepreneurs and juridical persons.

Entrepreneurs and juridical persons whose activity results in waste generation (excluding small and medium business) develop projects of norms for waste generation and limits for their disposal.

Limits are issued for 5 years by Rosprirodnadzor provided constancy of the industrial process is annually confirmed. If no conformation is produced the activity connected with treatment of wastes can be restricted, suspended or stopped in the manner stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Small and medium business

Small and medium business facilities whose activity results in waste generation on notification produce reports about generation, use, neutralization and disposal of wastes to federal executive bodies or to executive bodies of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Reporting on use, neutralization and disposal of wastes is submitted on a special form available in Internet: http://rpn.gov.ru/wr/.

In compliance with item 5 of the Regulation On the Order of Submitting and Control of Reports about Waste Generation (excluding statistics reports) adopted by the Decree of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated February 16, 2010 #30 reports are submitted till January 15 of the year following the reporting period.

Classes of Dangerous Wastes

Federal Law №89. Article 4.1. Classes of dangerous wastes

Depending on the level of their negative impact on the environment wastes are sub-divided into five classes in compliance with the criteria established by the federal legislative body, effecting regulation of the environment protection:

  • Class I – extremly dangerous wastes;
  • Class II – highly dangerous wastes;
  • Class III – moderatly dangerous wastes;
  • Class IV – low hazard wastes;
  • Class V – practically not dangerous wastes.

Requirements to Treatment of Dangerous Wastes

Entrepreneurs and juridical persons whose activity results in generation of I – IV class dangerous wastes must confirm the precise class of the wastes in the order established by the federal legislation body regulating the procedure of environment protection.

I – IV class dangerous wastes must have a passport. The passport for I – IV class dangerous wastes is made out on the basis of the data about composition and properties of these wastes and evaluation of the level of their danger. The order in which the passport is obtained as well as the typical forms of such passport are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The activity of entrepreneurs and juridical persons resulting in generation of dangerous wastes may be restricted or prohibited in the order determined by the Government of the Russian Federation provided there is no technical or other possibility to ensure treatment of wastes which will be safe for the environment or people dealing with I – IV class dangerous wastes.


Licensing of activities connected with wastes is regulated by law No. 123-FL dated August 8 2008 in edition No.99-FL dated June 25 2012.

Since June 25 2012 the following types of activities are liable to licensing: neutralization, disposal of 1-4 class of hazard wastes.

Since November 3 2011 licenses have no validity period.

Licenses issued prior to that date are reissued on expiration of validity date provided licensing conditions and requirements were complied with.

Routine inspection of licensee can be effected on expiration of 1 year from the date the license was issued or renewed.

More detailed information on this subject is presented in Russian