The requirements of Russian legislation:
In Russia, the necessity of completing the course (training) for specialists of enterprises (organizations) in the field of environmental protection is enshrined in legislation by two federal laws:
- The Federal Law № 7-ФЗ from 10.01.2002 «About Environmental Protection»,
- The Federal Law № 89-ФЗ from 24.06.1998 «About production and consumption of waste».
The training is conducted if necessary, but not less than once in 5 years during all work activity of employees. Frequency of an internship is established by the employer.
The main directions of training:
- Environmental training of business leaders;
- Training of engineers for the protection of the environment of the enterprises;
- Training in the field of waste management;
- Professional development in environmental management on the basis of ISO 14000;
- Environmental audit.
More detailed information on this subject is presented in Russian