Technologies, BAT (in Russia)

BAT (best available technologies)

In accordance with the ongoing reform in the field of environmental administration the development of the regulatory framework for environmental regulation based on BAT is taken place in the Russian Federation. Coming transitional process of environmental regulation should be implemented in several phases over the period from 2011 to 2020.

The Russian Federation government has established a list of critical areas of the BAT application, which should evaluate the environmental impact of technologies and provide its description in specific BAT directories. Similar reference documents have been developed for a number of industries in the European Union (BAT reference documents - BREF), indicating the recommended economically feasible technical and organizational arrangements for further environmental improvements.

One of the principles and necessary conditions for transition to BAT regulation is to inform the public about the decision-making, how this or that technology meets the best available technique requirements.

In the Russian context an important condition for the transition to BAT and obtain environmental permits, should be the application of environmental management tools such as standardized and non-standardized environmental management systems.

The experience of European and Russian companies in implementation of the best available techniques can serve as a basis for a wide spread of BAT transition in Russia in order to change the current system of environment regulation, prevent pollution and improve environmental conditions in general. Recommendations for environmental and economic assessment for the choice of technologies and equipment in the food industry can also be used to determine the cost-effectiveness of BAT in any industry or sector.

More detailed information on this subject is presented in Russian