Air protection (in Russia)

Basic requirements for ambient air protection:

  • An enterprise can have stationary and\or mobile sources of emission. Stationary sources comprise those fitted with air protection devices (chimneys, ventilation valves etc.) and not fitted (storage sites for bulk cargoes, parking lots for cars etc).
  • Mobile sources include all types of self-propelled vehicles belonging to the enterprise.
  • Provided there are stationary sources of emission an enterprise must get a permit for emission of polluting substances.
  • Such a permit is issued on the basis of a project for maximum permissible emission (MPE) developed by the enterprise. The project must be adopted by the sanitary authorities.
  • A permit is issued for 5 years by the federal body – Rosprirodnadzor. Inspections are carried out according to the schedule attached to the project.

Sanitary Protection Zone

Federal Law on sanitary and epidemiological welfare of population № 52 dated 30.03.1999 and Sanitary Norms and Regulations (СанПиН) 2.2.1/ «Sanitary and protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, constructions and other objects» new edition (Amendments №1 approved by Regulation № 25 of the Chief Sanitary Official of the Russian Federation dated 10.04.2008, Amendments №2 approved by Regulation №61 of the Chief Sanitary Official of the Russian Federation dated 06.10.2009) establish requirements to development of sanitary and protection zones for objects which are the source of impact on human environment and people’s health.

Sources of impact on human environment and people’s health (pollution on atmospheric air and unfavorable influence of physical factors) are the objects for which levels of generated pollution outside the industrial site exceed maximum permissible concentration (MPC) and/or maximum permissible level (MPL) and/or contribution into pollution of living areas exceeds 0,1 of MPC.

More detailed information on this subject is presented in Russian