MISET - Mikkeli region business development centre
Miset Ltd. is a business promotion and development company owned by the seven municipalities of the Mikkeli region. Miset Ltd. offers a wide range of services designed to help companies in the Mikkeli region to improve their competitiveness in both domestic and foreign markets. Services include basic business counselling, growth and development services, networking, internationalisation, ownership change and relocation services.
Contact Information:
Miset Ltd.
Mikkeli Region Business Development Centre
Mikpoli Patteristonkatu 2 C, FIN-50100 MIKKELI, Финляндия
Тел.: +358 44 79 42 209
E-mail: info(at)miset.fi

ISBE - business representative office of Eastern Finland
ISBE Oy is a service company offering diverse and professional support to the Russian operations of SME companies. ISBE Oy has operated for over 10 years in Mikkeli and St. Petersburg, where it has permanent Chamber of Commerce status and modern facilities. ISBE Oy is shared by development companies, chambers of commerce and entrepreneurial associations in Eastern Finland. ISBE Oy’s services are customised for those planning on entering the Russian market and for Finnish companies and organisations already present in the market. ISBE Oy also consults Russian companies and organisations planning on entering the Finnish market.
Contact Information:
Mikpoli Patteristonkatu 2 C, FIN-50100 MIKKELI, Финляндия
Тел.: +358 44 767 8482
E-mail: info(at)isbe.fi

KOSMOS - environmental bureau
Bureau offers its customers a range of services in the environmental field:
- environmental management, consulting, environmental support of environmental management of enterprises;
- environmental audits, preparation of enterprises for certification to standards for environmental management ISO 14000;
- independent environmental impact assessment;
- assistance in licensing of the collection, use, disposal, transportation and placement of hazardous waste;
- assistance in licensing of the stocking, processing and sale of non-ferrous (iron) or steel;
- development of environmental project documentation in accordance with legislative requirements (PNOOLR, PDV, NDS), the sanitary-protection zones;
- development of passports of hazardous waste, the calculation of hazard classes of waste;
- development of sections of environmental protection and assessment of environmental impact in pre-project and project documentation;
- development and approval process regulations treatment of construction waste;
- market analysis of secondary wastes;
- search for technological solutions in waste management.
The company is entered in the Register of environmental auditing organizations Noncommercial Partnership "Environmental Audit Chamber"(accreditation certificate № 25-А-03-02-11-023, issued on 3 February 2011.). Five members are certified ecological auditors of Russia.
Environmental bureau "KOSMOS" is a member of the Association for Environmental partnership with the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Leningrad Region Chamber of Commerce.
Activities in international projects:
- Internet Waste Exchange www.otkhodov.net ,
- "Practical manual for St-Petersburg's enterprises of the environmental problems" , was carried out jointly with the Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of the Government of St. Petersburg.
- Environmental audit of the dairy industry "UNIMILK", located in Russia and Ukraine, was carried out jointly with the British consulting company "WSP".
- The joint environmental audit of the state unitary enterprises of St. Petersburg to prepare for certification to ISO 14001 and 14 031, performed on the instructions of the Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of St. Petersburg Government.
- Finnish-Russian Exchange of wastes www.materialexchange.ru «Exchange of secondary resources and technology between the north-west Russia and south-east Finland». INTERREG/TACIS "Material Exchange" (Neighbourhood Programm), satisfied with ENGECON and Lappeenranta University of Technology and Environmental consulting company "Hyotyvisio".
Contact Information:
Constitution sq. 7A office 519, Saint-Petersburg 196191, Russia
Phone/Fax: +7 (812) 602 29 38, 602 29 34
E-mail: kosmos_eco(at)mail.ru, info(at)otkhodov.net

AsEP - association of ecological partnership
Association of Ecological Partnership AsEP NP (non-profit partnership) was established in 1997 at the St.-Petersburg Chamber of Commerce on the initiative of several companies specializing in the construction of sewage treatment plants.
Since 2000, the Association received the independent development and now comprises more than 40 organizations that have a high scientific potential in various aspects of environmental protection.
Enterprises AsEP members, are mostly small and medium business, their operations are completely independent.
The success of our work and continuous development of AsEP is determined by the fact that the organization s of the Association are able to jointly offer a whole range of environmental and resource-efficient technologies and services.
First of all, they are:
- design, construction and modernization, of both urban and local treatment facilities, including their own original technologies;
- equipment engineering systems;
- complex solution for water treatment;
- creation of new equipment, technologies and devices for solving environmental problems;
- execution of works on restoration and rehabilitation of contaminated areas and water bodies, carrying out environmental audits, certification and development of the full range of environmental documentation required by the enterprise;
- introduction of the best environmental technologies, etc.
Companies, members of the Association, operate not only in St.-Petersburg, but in many regions of the Russian Federation.
An important place in the Association is given to the work with the executive authorities of St.-Petersburg and Leningrad region, the federal government environmental agencies on rational problem-solving environment and natural resources issues. Own capabilities of organizations in the AsEP and productive capacity of enterprises of the city and region are widely used for this purpose.
AsEP constantly organizes relevant environmental events, including the promotion of technologies, equipment and services, finding partners for production work, it actively cooperates with various companies, including foreign ones, is involved in international environmental projects.
Contact Information:
Chairman of the Board, AsEP - General Director of Kreal Eugene M. KryuchihinDirector AsEP - Boris S. Krylov
Tchaikovskogo 46-48, St.-Petersburg 191123, Russia
Phone/Fax: 7 812 579 40 31
E-mail: ecology(at)spbcci.ru; dgekseco(at)gmail.com