03/23/2022 Seminar "Project meetings - "Environmental projects of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program "Russia - Finland" 2014-2020"

03.23.22 took part in the seminar "Project meetings -"Environmental projects of the Russia-Finland Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020 ", which was organized by the Association for Environmental Partnership (NP AsEP) with the support of the Committee of Nature Use, Environmental Protection and safety.

The seminar was held as part of the XXII International Forum "ECOLOGY OF THE BIG CITY" (EBC) in order to attract the maximum possible number of participants and disseminate information about projects.

Thus, not only interested companies, but also ordinary participants of the EBC Forum took part in the seminar. The total number of participants was more than 20 people.

The following projects were presented: Cata3Pult, BBC1, LALAPETE, NasSta, GreenInterTraffic, Bringing Together, Cool4City.

After the presentation of the projects, an agreement was signed on the accession of St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University to the Memorandum of Understanding on the formation of an innovative platform for communicating the best practices of projects in the field of sustainable development in a circular economy of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program "South-Eastern Finland-Russia" PS 2014-2020 and the Cross-Border Cooperation Program " Interreg. Baltic Sea Region” 2014-2020 with the AWARE project (KS1913): Sustainable Waste Management in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

Photos from the event are available in the album

On March 23, from 10.00 to 12.00, the Seminar "Project meetings - "Environmental projects of the Russia-Finland Cross-border Cooperation Program 2014-2020" will be held as part of the XXII INTERNATIONAL FORUM "ECOLOGY OF THE BIG CITY"

March 22-24, 2022 COSMOS LLC and NP AsEP will take part in the XXIst INTERNATIONAL FORUM "ECOLOGY OF THE BIG CITY" (CEC "EXPOFORUM" (PAVILION E)). The joint stand of KOSMOS LLC and NP AsEP has been cancelled.

On March 23, from 10.00 to 12.00, the Association for Environmental Partnership (NP "AsEP") will organize a seminar "Project meetings - "Environmental projects of the Russia-Finland Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020", which is supported by the Committee on Nature Management, Environmental Protection and Environmental Safety.

Venue: Congress Center, floor B, halls B3-B9

Changes in the Program of the Forum are possible. Follow the changes on the Expoforum website https://ecology.expoforum.ru/delovaya-programma-2022


The seminar program is available here

Link to connect online


On March 11, a meeting of the Environmental Council under the Governor of St. Petersburg was held

03/11/2022 Koroleva Evgenia and Krylov Boris took part in a meeting of the environmental council under the governor.

The Chairman of the Ecological Council, the Governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Dmitrievich Beglov, addressed the members of the Council with a welcoming speech.

The priorities of the state policy in the field of municipal solid waste management and the features of the existing practices of separate accumulation of municipal solid waste in St. Petersburg were considered.

Presentations were made by the Chairman of the Committee for Nature Management, Environmental Protection and Ensuring Ecological Safety Alexander Viktorovich German and General Director of the Regional Operator for the Management of Solid Municipal Waste of St. Petersburg (JSC "Nevsky Ecological Operator" Ekaterina Sergeevna Gorshkova.

Tatyana Nagorskaya, Chairman of the Board of the Association in the field of ecology and environmental protection “Separate Collection”, spoke about the successes of separate accumulation of waste in St. Petersburg and how to preserve them with the advent of a regional operator.

The results of the meeting and the recommendations of the working group on waste management in St. Petersburg, established under the Environmental Council, were reported by the Director of the Association for Environmental Partnership of NP AsEP - Boris Krylov.

During the discussion, among other things, the need to maintain the existing system of separate collection and integrate it into the integrated waste management system of St. Petersburg was confirmed.

The Governor of St. Petersburg supported the proposal to hold a joint meeting of the Council with the Public Ecological Council under the Governor of the Leningrad Region.

Petersburg Carbon Declaration: an important step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Ten organizations signed the St. Petersburg Carbon Declaration on the creation of a high-tech scientific and experimental innovation platform of international importance "Carbon Research Center" and the formation of a community of scientific and technical experts who provide solutions to applied problems on carbon topics.

The signing of the declaration was the result of the round table "The role of rational waste management in building a low-carbon circular economy", held at the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry on February 15, 2022. The event was organized within the framework of the international project "Ecologically clean urban environment through sustainable waste management" (Cool4City), Cross-Border Cooperation Program "Russia - Southeast Finland 2014‒2020".

“By the end of this year, all subjects of the Russian Federation must develop plans for adaptation to climate change. One of the key indicators should be the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. For St. Petersburg, greenhouse gas emissions from the waste industry are a significant parameter of anthropogenic impact on the environment. In this regard, the signing of the St. Petersburg Carbon Declaration is a very significant event for our city,” said Ivan Serebritsky, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Nature Management.

The experts noted that the signing of the Declaration is an important step to ensure the necessary synergy in order to implement joint projects aimed at reducing the carbon footprint and developing a sustainable, environmentally neutral environment.

The organizations that signed the document included the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Higher School of Economics, the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian-European Innovation Partnership, the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, the St. Petersburg State Forestry University. CM. Kirov, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, St. Petersburg Charitable Public Foundation for the Development of the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great, the All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature and the St. Petersburg Fund for the Development of Small and Medium Business.

On February 15, from 14:00 to 17:00 (Moscow time), the Round Table "The Role of Sustainable Waste Management in Building a Low-Carbon Circular Economy" will be held.

On February 15, from 14:00 to 17:00 (Moscow time), the Round Table "The Role of Sustainable Waste Management in Building a Low-Carbon Circular Economy" will be held.

Presentations will be made by specialized Russian and European experts in the field of ecology, municipal solid waste management, ESG and carbon neutrality.

The speakers are representatives of the Higher School of Economics, the Natural Resources Institute of Finland, the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, St. Petersburg State University, Geyser Butteris, the Green Net Finland Association, and others.

Based on the results of the discussion, the solemn signing of the St. Petersburg Carbon Declaration of Intent will take place to create a high-tech scientific and experimental innovative platform of international importance "Carbon Research Center" and form a community of scientific and technical experts who provide solutions to applied problems on carbon topics.

The program of the round table is at the link.

February 16, 2022 14.00-16.00 (Moscow time) a webinar on eco-energy efficiency will be held

On February 16, 2022, at 14.00-16.00 (Moscow time), a webinar on eco-energy efficiency will be held as part of the Cata3Pult project. 

The webinar will be held in a hybrid format and will be combined with the annual meeting of the Cluster members. Video of the first day of the meeting on January 17, 2022 at the link: https://youtu.be/XrLXUUetmOE 

The webinar will take place in person at the Living Laboratory of the Center for Industrial Symbiosis.

Register to participate online using the link 

Program of the event at the link.